1808 04 23 : Labourers' wages account

23 Apr 1808. LABOURERS’ WAGES ACCOUNT. Bundle 64, Doc 14. 20.5 cm x 16.5 cm. C 19 R 100 [corrected from 99] Labourers 4 . 18 . 0 ————————- 23d. Apl. 1808 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Labourers from 9th. till 23d. April 1808 Names No. of Days Price per day Wages £ S D Jos: HETHERINGTON 12 30D 1 10 – Jno. PUGMIRE 12 30 1 10 – Wm. PUGMIRE 12 10 – 10 – Phil WESTERN 11 24 1 2 – Margt. HETHERINGTON 6 12 – 6 – 4 18 – ————————— April 23d. 1808 Placed to the acct. of the Guardians of Sir Philip MUSGRAVE Bart. four pounds & eightn. Shillings for wages paid to the above Labourers till this day by me [signed] Joseph BRISCO.