1751 08 15 : Lady MUSGRAVE’s jointure receipt

15 Aug 1751. LADY MUSGRAVES JOINTURE RECEIPT. A small very neat and clean Jointure receipt. (An arrangement by which a man sets aside property to be used for the support of his wife after his death.) 5” x 7”. Due from Sr. Ph: MUSGRAVE Bart. to the Lady MUSGRAVE For half a Years Jointure due Ladyday 1751 250 : 0 : 0 Deduct for what was then due to Sr. Ph: MUSGRAVE on the Assignments of Mr & Mrs. AGLIONBY and of Mr. & Mrs. SPRAGGE in full for half a Years Payment being ten pounds each 20 : 0 : 0 ——————- Balance 230 : 0 : 0 15 Augst. 1751. Recd. of Sir Phil: MUSGRAVE Bart. by Christr. DOBSON two hundred & thirty Pounds being the Balance of the above Account due to the Lady MUSGRAVE for whose use I say Receiv’d by me [signed] John RAINCOCK