1754 06 25 : Detailed saddler’s account

25 Jun 1754. DETAILED SADDLER’S ACCOUNT. A neat and clean detailed saddler’s account for various goods. 13” x 8”. C. 270 R. 87. James SAVAGE Sadler 3 : 14 : 0. 25. June 1754 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1753 Sir Philip MUSGRAVE to James SAVAGE 17 July one Dosen of Hame Strapper 0 3 0 pice of Suing Leather 0 0 4 2 Strong Cart Beley Bands 0 3 0 2 taned Leather Blinder Reins new } 0 2 6 throtlatich & mending with new Lather } New Lining & Stufing 3 Barfham } 0 3 6 New Strap & new Lather } 26 Brod Lather girth 7 foot Long 0 1 6 14 August New back pice to Stayes & mending with Lather 1 2 Mending 2 Barfhames with flanele & Lather 0 0 9 New panling Cart Sadle faced with Hair 0 1 4 Lather girth & strap 0 1 0 6 Octbr 2 Lather Cart Sadele girthes & Strapps 0 2 0 22 March 2 New Eayes for 2 Belley Bands 0 0 6 3 May 3 New Coller Heads 0 2 6 Man Sadele & furniter 0 0 9 New Haier Ruber 0 0 9 Best 7 Bared Cuere Combe & Brush 0 2 6 New Long Sied Rein to Cart Bridele 0 0 8 2 New Loop Nales for Sadele 0 0 6 pice of suing Lather 0 0 3 23 New Sadele & furnitur 1 1 0 New Croper 0 0 9 Mending 2 Barfhames 0 0 8 Mending 2 Cart Bridiles new Long Sied 0 0 10 New panting & Cart Sadeles faced with } 0 2 3 & mending girthes } Best Sirsingale Laderd 0 1 10 —————- £ 3 14 2 25. June 1754 Recd. of Sr. Ph: MUSGRAVE Bart. per Chr: DOBSON three pounds & fourteen Shills. in full of the above per me [signed] James SAVAGE