1753 12 15 : List of Edenhall labourers’ names & pay

15 Dec 1753. LIST OF EDENHALL LABOURERS’ NAMES & PAY. A neat, fine and fresh detailed listing of Edenhall Labourers. 8” x 6”. Labourers from the 3d. till the 15th. of Decembr. 1753. No. Labourer No. of price Receipt Wages days per day £ s d ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 1 Thos. SKILBECK { 6 10 } Rec d by T. SKILBECK’s X mk - 7 - { 4 6 } 2 Thos. STEPHENSON 9 6 by [signed] Thom: STEPHENSON - 4 6 3 Jno. DENT { 5 14 } by [signed] John DENT - 9 10 { 4 12 } 4 Henr. BAYLIFF { 4 14d } by [signed] Henry BAILEF - 7 7 { 2½ 5 James BLAIN 9 6 by Jams. BLAIN’s B mk - 4 6 6 Robt. CANNON 10½ 6d } Do. Nights &c. 17 2½ } by [signed] Rob CANNON - 3 6½ 7 Henr. CROW 22/3 6 by Mary CROW’s M Mark - 1 4 8 Tho. RICHARDSON 12 14d by } [signed] Tho RICHARDSON - 14 - 9 Geo: RICHARDSON 5½ 12 by } - 5 6 10 Jos: RICHARDSON 11 6 } by [signed] Jos RICHARDSON - 5 6 Do. Nights 17 2½ } - 3 6½ 11 Ino. MILNER 8 6 } by [signed] John MILNER - 4 - Do. Nights 17 2½ } - 3 6½ 12 Edw d. NICOLSON 12 8 by Ed: NICOLSON’s X Mark - 8 - Ino. NICOLSON 11 2d by Do. - 1 10 —————— 4 9 5½ 15th Decr. 1753. Placed to ye Accot. of Sr. Ph: MUSGRAVE Bt. four po ds. Nine Shills. and five pence half penny in full for Wages paid to the above Labourers till this Day by me [signed] Chr DOBSON
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