1712 05 14 : Receipt for various taxes

14 May 1712. RECEIPT FOR VARIOUS TAXES. A neat receipt for tax regarding the salary of the Master of the House of Correction, repair of public bridges, vagrants and window tax. A bit damp stained, and rough around the edges. 6” x 8”. May the 14th. 1712. Received from Sr Christopher MUSGRAVE Barronet: The Summ of one pound nine Shillings and two- pence being Sess viz: for the Master of the- £ - s - d -houseOCorrections Sallery for one whole year repairing 1 – 9 - 2 of Publick Bridges in the County and for Pass- ing vagrants Through the County, as also o window Sess for the Castle Due the 25th. of March Last Received per mee Tho HUTCHINSON Junier his Marke O
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