1754 07 08 : 01 : Prescription money for the curate of Ravenstonedale

08 Jul 1754 (1). PRESCRIPTION MONEY FOR CURATE OF RAVENSTONEDALE. A small neat receipt for half a year’s prescription money for the curate of Ravenstonedale. 4” x 7”. June 6th. 1754 Then received of Sir Philip MUSGRAVE Bart. by the Hands of Thomas RUDD the Sum of Fifty Shillings and Six Pence being half a Years Prescription Money due to the Curate of Ravenstondale out of Rents at Bleatarn to Whitsuntide last past by me [signed] Robt. MOUNSEY Cure. &c. 8. July 1754 Recd. ye above from Chr DOBSON per [signed] Thom: RUDD
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