1681 05 18 : Marriage agreement Mary MUSGRAVE & John DAVISON

18 May 1681. MARRIAGE AGREEMENT MARY MUSGRAVE & JOHN DAVISON. A two and a half page detailed Marriage Agreement between Mary Musgrave, only daughter of Sir Richard Musgrave (3rd baronet), and John Davison of Blakestone in the County of Durham. A wealth of detailed information concerning the dowry and jointure. Initials at the end of the document for Sir Richard Musgrave and John Davison, so probably a draft or a copy of the original contract. A bit grubby and dusty, with weak file folds, fox spots and ink smudges throughout. 12” x 7”. Marriage agrement May 18th: 1681 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Marriage agreemt: Condiscended too made & agreed upon & now and hereafter to be observed made good & performed on the Marriage of John DAVISON of Blaikstone in ye County of Durham Esqr: with Mary MUSGRAVE only daughter of Sr Richard MUSGRAVE of Edenhall in ye County of Cumbland Bartt made & agreed upon ye Eight tenth day of May Anno Dom 1681 By and with the Consent and good likeing of the said Sr Richard MUSGRAVE on the behalfe of the said Mary his daughter & Ralph DAVISON Esqr. gaurdian to the said John DAVISON As Followeth Imprmis. It is agreed that ye said Sr Rich: MUSGRAVE shall give & assure unto ye said John DAVISON ye Mannor of Crosby Garrett with ye appurtnances in ye County of Westmland for and in Lew of one thousand pounds and also to give his owne bond for ye payment of one thousand pounds more in mannor & at ye Dayes following vizt. Two hundred pounds yearly for ye first three years and four hundred pounds ye next year after ye three yeares Ended. And that ye Summe of Two thousand pounds shalbe paid at such tyme & Manner as the Setlemt. on ye Marriage of ye said Sr. Richard & thee last Will of Sr. Philip MUSGRAVE Bartt. deceased doth lymitt & appoint ye same wch. said Summe of 2000£ soe limitted as aforesd. he ye said Sr: Richard MUSGRAVE doth hereby fully declare yt the same shall come & is hereby declared to come & Enure to ye said Mary MUSGRAVE according to ye said setlemt. & last Will. And these presents to be hereafter taken & to be taken as ye said Sr: Richard MUSGRAVE Declarason thereoff the Marriage portion agreed upon amounting in all to 4000£; Item. It is agreed yt the said Sr: Rich: MUSGRAVE shall remaine in & hold ye Possession of Crosby Garret paying Considerason for ye 1000£ only charged thereon & the other 1000£ according to the bonds given & at thee dayes therein mentioned; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Item. It is agreed that in Considerason of ye said 4000£ Marriage portion ye said John DAVISON at his comeing to ye age of 21 yeares shall setle in Joynture for & in Lew of ye Dower of the said Mary All these perticuler Lops. lands & Tenemts. with the appurtnances called Thorp Thewless Fullthropp & Seaton being of the clear yearly vallew of 400£ per Anno And its agreed that if ye said John DAVISON in his life tyme doe not provide ye said Mary a Convenient house for her Joynture house That then shee shall have ye Capitall Messuage house at Blaikstone with ye Orchards & Gardens & appurtnances And soe much of ye Demesne Lands of Blaikstone next to ye said house as ye vallew of the yearly rent of Seaton amounts unto. And that Seaton then with the appurtnances to be released in Lew thereoff wch. said house soe to be provided & the conveniences thereoff Equall to her birth & Quallity shalbe adjudged Conveniant in all thinges by Two of ye Relatives chosen indifferently for ye purpose by them to be agreed upon on each side; Item. It is agreed yt the said John DAVISON at his age of 21 yeares shall make a deed of setlement of his Estate at Blaikstone Thorp Thewleys Fulthropp & Seaton to ye use of himselfe for life & afterwards to ye use of the heires males of ye body of ye first sonne begotten of ye body of ye said Mary & for to ye 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 sonnes according to Seniority & to their heires males pert. [?] and that ye said John DAVISON may have power too charge soe much of ye Estate not made in Joynture nor during ye Joynture to ye Summe of 4000£ for prfermt. for younger children; Item. It is agreed yt if it shall happen yt the sd Jo: DAVISON shall dye without issue male & leave one daughter then that daughter to have 5000£. If two daughters ye like summe to be devided between them And if three daughters or more then six thousand pounds equally devided amongst them; Item. It is agreed that if it shall happen that the said John DAVISON shall dye before he attaine the age of 21 yeares & leave any issue that then ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hee shall by his Will or writeing give to the said Mary and her children ye said fouer thousand pounds portion; Lastly. It is agreed that if ye sd Mary shall dye without issue she shall in her life tyme either by Will or other writeing have liberty to give or dispose of one thousand pounds to what person or use she pleaseth; signed by all ye partyes above said this day & year first above written interchaingably R: M: J: D: To this I give my consent Ra: DAVISON £ s d Blaikeston 370 – 00 – 00 } Thorpe Thewles 200 – - – - } Fulthorp 170 – - – - } per Ano. Seaton 034 – - – - } Tythes of Stainton 034 – - – - } ————————- 808 – - – -