1754 01 29 : 01 : Receipt for slating work at Blackhall

29 Jan 1754 (1). RECEIPT FOR SLATING WORK AT BLACKHALL. A small very neat and clean receipt for slating and plastering work at Blackhall, Cumbria. 3” x 6”. Sclating at Blackhall Demesn House 3R & 17 yds. of Sclating at 11 : 6 per Rood 1 : 18 : 0 3 days Work at Hugh DODDs plaistering 0 : 3 : 0 —————- 2 : 1 : 0 29th. Janr. 1754. Recd. of Sr. Ph: MUSGRAVE Bart. per Christ. DOBSON two pods. & one Shilling in full of the above by me [signed] William BOWERBANK
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