1751 08 13 : 01 : Receipt for cast iron from Clifton furnace

13 Aug 1751 (1). RECEIPT FOR CAST IRON FROM CLIFTON FURNACE. A receipt for five pieces of Cast Iron from the Clifton Furnace. 12” x 7”. To Mr Cha: DOBSON at Edenhall ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Clifton Furnace March ye 15th 1750 Sr. Philip MUSGRAVE Bart. Bot. of COOKSON WILLIAMS & Compa. £ s d 5 Pieces of Cast Iron for a Lead mill hearth 8 : 2 : 27 at 12/0 5 : 4 : 11 13. Augt. 1751. Recd. of Sr. Phil: MUSGRAVE Bart. by Christo DOBSON five pounds four Shillings & Six pence in full of the above for the use of Messrs: COOKSON & Co. per [signed] Saml. LOWTHION Mr Cha: DOBSON Sr. / I recd your favour of yesterdays date by the bearer Tom: DIXON, and pursuant to your request I ordered the above to be Cast while he staid, which I hope are done to his Satisfaction. You may pay the amount to Mr LOWTHION any time at your Convenience, but need not put your Self all all out of the way about it. I am with much respect Sr. yr. most hble Servt. [signed] Jos: BOWES I have charg’d the above as low as ever we sold any of the Like kind to any Person whatsoever.
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