1735 01 04 : Two receipts for lime & carriage of coal

04 Jan 1734/5. TWO RECEIPTS FOR LIME & CARRIAGE OF COAL. Two small and neat receipts. 4” x 6”. 4 Janry. 1734. Recd. of Sr. Chr: MUSGRAVE Bart. per Chr: DOBSON fourteen shills & three pence for 19 Bush: of Lime & Carre per Rd. WALLACE & Eight shills & thre pence for 11 Bush: of Lime & Carre per Richd. HARPER & thre Shills for 4 Bush of Lime per Thos. NICHOLSON I say recd. per us Rd. WALLACEs R Mk 0 : 14 : 3 Rd. HARPERs H Mk 0 : 8 : 3 Tho. NICHOLSON’s X Mk 0 : 3 : 0 —————- 1 : 05 : 6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4 Janry. 1734. Recd. of Sr. Chr: MUSGRAVE Bart. per Chr: DOBSON 12 Shills for Carr: of 24 load of Coals per Ricd. HARPER & ten shills for Carre of 20 load of Do. per Rd. WALLACE & Eight Shills for Carre of 16 load of Do. per Thos. NICHOLSON & thre shill for Carr of Six load per Eliz: WATSON I say recd. per us Rd. HARPERs H Mark 0 : 12 : 0 Tho. NICHOLSON’s X Mark 0 : 10 : 0 Do. for Eliz: WATSON X 0 : 8 : 0 Rd. WALLACE R Mark 0 : 3 : 0 —————- 1 : 13 : 0
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