1754 06 12 : Receipt for stone fencing at Skirsgill

Update on Wednesday, January 13, 2010 at 7:11PM by
Petra Mitchinson

12 Jun 1754. RECEIPT FOR STONE FENCING AT SKIRSGILL. A small neat and clean receipt for stone fencing at Skirsgill. 4” x 6”. 14 Roods of Stone Fence at Skirskill part of Tom: RAILTON’s Farm at Soulby £ : s : Getting Stones and walling at 2s. per Rood 1 : 8 : 0 12. June 1754. Recd. of Sr. Ph: MUSGRAVE Bart. per Christ: DOBSON twenty Eight Shillings in full of the above per me Davd. DAVISON’s D Mk