1726 10 11 : Printed rent receipt for Kirkoswald tithes

11 Oct 1726. PRINTED RENT RECEIPT FOR KIRKOSWALD TITHES. A printed receipt. 3” x 7”. Hand written entries into this printed document are transcribed in italics. Comr Cumberd W REceiv’d the 11th. Day of October 1726 of Sr. Christopher MUSGRAVE £ s d For Kirkoswald the Sum of three pounds six Shillings & 3 . 6 . 8 Tythes eight pence being one years Rent due at T . 6 . 8 Martinmas 1726 last past. I say Receiv’d for the —————- use of Oliver MARTON Esqr. tot 3 . 0 . 6 per me [signed] Josh. LAMBERT Pro Acq’ 6. You are hereby required without further Notice, to pay this Rent due at Martinmas 1727 at the George in Penrith on the tenth Day of October following in the Morning, and bring with you this Acquittance; otherwise a Messenger will be sent forthwith to levy the same.