1751 09 28 : 01 : Detailed mining account from Birkett Grove mine

28 Sep 1751 (1). DETAILED MINING ACCOUNT FROM BIRKETT GROVE MINE. A small very neat and clean detailed mining account for Birkett Grove Mine. 8” x 6”. C. 236. R. 168. Sundr Persons Birket Grove 21 : 11 : 3 28. Septr. 1751. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Disburstmts. at Birket Grove till ye 20th. Septr. 1751. Driving & Sinking at 20s. per fathom Sinking 6 feet at the bottom of the lowest Sump Driving 26 feet at foot of Do. being ye lowest Drift wch. comes to 51/3 fathoms at 20s. per 5 : 6 : 8 Driving & Sinking at 14s. per Fathom. Driving 15:6 Up the field – deduct 4f overpd. Sinking 21:6 in the lowest Sump – wch. comes to 5½ fathoms at 14s per 3 : 17 : 0 Sinking 6 fathms. of the new Shaft at 8 } 3½ fathoms at 10s. } 3 : 19 : 8 19 Septr. 1751. Recd. of Sr. Ph: MUSGRAVE Bart. by Chr. DOBSON thirteen pounds three Shills. & ——————- four pence in full of ye above. [signed] Edmond COAT 13 : 3 : 4 [signed] John MASON Wittness [signed] Thom: RUDD Jams. PARKSONs X Mk 7 : 10 : 5 Tho. BLENCARN’s T Mk Expences in Viewing ye Mines since April 0 : 17 : 6 ——————- 21 : 11 : 3 28 Septr. 1751. Placed to the Accot. of Sr. Ph: MUSGRAVE Bart. twenty one pods. Eleven Shills. & thre pence in full of ye Above Accot. of Charges for Birket Grove till Michs. 1751 by me [signed] Christ. DOBSON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thos. RUDDs Disburstmts. Turning & Carr: of 29 dusn. Grove Timbr. at 7d 0 : 16 : 11 Charge in Dialing the new Shaft 0 : 1 : 4 Wm. HUTCHINSON the Blacksmiths Bill 0 : 17 : 4 Tho. HUTCHINSON 1500 Stop Rice 0 : 2 : 6 Richd. BELL 4 new Kebles & a Piggon 0 : 4 : 2 Carriage of Bellows Pipes & Bellows to ye Mill 0 : 3 : 2 Tho. RUDD alpatuity from Sr. Philip for } Surveying the Mines } 5 : 5 : 0 —————— 7 : 10 : 5 20 Septr. 1751. Recd. of Sr. Ph: MUSGRAVE Bart. per Christo. DOBSON Seven pounds ten Shills. & five pence in full for ye Above Accot. by me [signed] Thom: RUDD