1726 10 14 : Account for walling and hewing at Baronwood

14 Oct 1726. ACCOUNT FOR WALLING AND HEWING AT BARONWOOD. Bundle 6, Doc 5. 19.5 cm x 15.5 cm. John MARSTONE &c for waling Baronwood Hous and Hewing 10 – 16 – 4 pd 2 – 6 —————————— 14 Octobr 1726 —————————— 10 – 13 – 10 N. 8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ yrds Walling & finding Stone at 8d per yrd 240 = 8 ––– } Hewn work & Stone – at 4d per foot 169 2 – 16 – 4 } 10 – 13 – 10 pd formerly Earnest in pt 2/6 —————— ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 14 Octobr 1726 Recd of Geo GIBSON eight pound for waling Barronwood house being 240 yards att 8 pence per yard for walling and finding Stone and Two pound Sixtene Shill and four pence for for Hewing windows Dors &c att 4 pence per fot being 169 fot in Lenth in all Ten pound Sixtene Shill and four pence all for Sr Chr MUSGRAVE Brt use wee Say Red for our Selves and Josh WILSON in full of all acounts as witness our Hands £ s d [signed] John MARSTON 10 – 16 – 4 [signed] Georg HODGSON pd Earnest 2 – 6 ———————- 10 – 13 – 10