1727 07 18 : Receipt for 70 yards of flags for Sceugh

Update on Sunday, January 2, 2011 at 6:24PM by
Petra Mitchinson

18 Jul 1727. RECEIPT FOR 70 YARDS OF FLAGS FOR SCEUGH. Bundle 15, Doc 4. 15 cm x 9.5 cm. Adam WORKMAN Flags —————— 0 – 17 – 6 —————— 18 July 1727 N. 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 18 July 1727 Red of Geo GIBSON Seventen Shill and Six pence for 70 yards of Flags for Skeugh at 3p per yd wee Say Red in full for Sr Chr MUSGRAVE Brt use per us [signed] Adam WORKMAN [signed] John CARR