1727 05 06 : Account for deals

06 May 1727. ACCOUNT FOR DEALS. Bundle 11, Doc 12. 19/5 cm x 13 cm. Deals are boards or planks, especially of fir or pine. Mr REED 300lb Deels 25£ – 5s – 0 ——————— 6 may 1727 21 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sr. Christo MUSGRAVE Barrtt. To Wm. REED May 4. 1727 To 3Ct. Deal’s 14 foot @ 8 – 10 – 0 £ 25 – 10s – 0d Weml. [?] May: 4. 1727. Recd then of Sr. Christopher MUSGRAVE Barrtt. per the hands of Mr Geo GIBSON Twenty five Pounds tenn shill~ in full payment of the above Note & all Acctts / NB ye above Deal’s is in my Yard wch shall be delivered upon Demand witness my hand this 4. May may [signed] Wm. REED
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