1727 03 18 : Wages for spreading mould and gathering stones

18 Mar 1726/7. WAGES FOR SPREADING MOULD AND GATHERING STONES. Bundle 10, Doc 21. 17.5 cm x 11 cm. Dirty on back, small tears along file folds. Part of a (cut off) different document on back, only 4 partial lines visible which do not give enough information to make any sense of them. Mould is “loose, friable earth, especially when rich in organic matter and favourable to the growth of plants”. Eliz STEPHENSON &c Spreding mould & Gether ing Stones Charged in the Labour Book 1 – 16 – 0 —————————- 18 march 1726 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ days √ Elez: STEPHENSON 9 3 – 0 √ Jane STEPHENSON 14 4 – 8 √ Barbra BLANE 4 1 – 4 √ Mary CALAND 10½ 3 – 6 √ Barbra MARTIN 17 5 – 8 √ Ann WALLAS 15 5 – 0 √ Ann WINSKELL 12 4 – 0 √ Margret WINSKELL 12 4 – 0 √ Sarah CLARK 8 2 – 8 √ George CALAND 7½ 2 – 6 —————— 1 – 16 : 0 18 march 1726 Recd the the full Contents of this Bill for our Selves &c of Geo GIBSON for Sr Chr use By us Eliz: Э STEPHENSON Mark. Jane STEPHENSON’s O Mark