1726 12 14 : Rent payments for Blackhall

14 Dec 1726. RENT PAYMENTS FOR BLACKHALL. Bundle 8, Docs 11-13. The three documents were folded into each other. Doc 11. 14.5 cm x 11 cm. Hole at the top. The writing on the back of the document looks like a postal address but has its top cut off and may not relate to the contents. post Effar [?] ——————— Carlisle. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Novr ye 26. 1726 Receavd of Isack MARCK ye sum of nineteen Shillings & fower pence upon ye acct of Sr. Cristoper MUSGRAVE & for ye use of ye Right Honrbl Charles Earle of Carlisle I Say Receavd per me [signed] Matt: PATTINSON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Doc 12. 23 cm x 5 cm. A small scribbled calculation not transcribed. November th 26 1726 Then Reced from Thomas MARK by the Hands of Isaac MARKE the Summ of four Shillings & Sixpence being Cornish money I Say Recd by me [signed] John CRAGHILL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Doc 13. 19 cm x 10.5 cm. Isack MARK Rents for Blackall 2 – 1 – 6 14 Decr 1726 N. 12 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ s d Soccage Rent Due to ye honourable } Earl of Carlisle } 19 : 4 Cornish Rent Due to ye Duke } of Summersed } 04 : 6 Turn Money to ye Tenents } of Blackwell } 04 : 4 Being out Rents laid out by me / Isaac MARK s d for Collecting the Tenents Rents Yearly 13 : 11 £ s d In all 02 : 01 : 06 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12 Decembr 1726 Recd of Geo GIBSON the with in Contents for Sr Chr MUSGRAVE Brt use being Two Pound one Shill and Six Pence in full of all accounts by me [signed] Isaac MARK