1727 06 21 : Account and receipts for taxes in Kirkoswald

21 Jun 1727. ACCOUNT AND RECEIPTS FOR TAXES IN KIRKOSWALD. Bundle 14, Docs 6-9. Docs 7-9 were wrapped inside Doc 6 and are receipts for items in the account in Doc 6. Bundle 14, Doc 6. 19 cm x 15 cm. John HUTTON Poor & Small Sesss 1 – 17 – 3¾ ———————- 21 June 1727 N 6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Small Seses 5 Janury 0 – 1 – 6¼ Boone Sess 25 Janury 1 – 10 – 5 window Sess 10 march 0 – 4 – 6 Small Sess 29 may 0 – 0 – 10½ ————————- 1 – 17 : 3¾ 21 June 1727 Red of Geo GIBSON the Contents above being one pound Seventen Shill and Three pence Three farthings and Deliverd the wouchers being poore and oder Small Sesses for Demen Lands at Kirkoswld I Say Red for Sr Chr MUSGRAVE Brt use per me [signed] John HUTTON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bundle 14, Doc 7. 12.5 cm x 7.5 cm. Lord of Ino [?] march the 10 1727 Recd of John HUTTON the Sume of fouer Shillings & sixpences for won year wender Sess for Doman Houes att Kiroswold belong to Sir Chir MUSGRAV Bart I Say Recd per me [signed] Thomas SCOTT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bundle 14, Doc 8. 19 cm x 4 cm. may the 29 1727 then Recd of Hohn HUTTON 0S 10d ½ being for tow povers for Smoull Sess for Sir Chirfeer Land Hatt Karkoswal I Say Recd per me [signed] H HORNBY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bundle 14, Doc 9. 19 cm x 15 cm. Janery the 5 1726 then Recd of John HUTTON the Sume of 1S 6d ¼ be for won poverys for Smoll Sess I Say Recd per me [signed] John BOWMAN In all 01£ 18S 1d In all 01£ 17S 7d Lad out for wisting of Chope In all 01 18 1 att Stafell 0 9d 8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ £ 1 – 17 4 0 4 6 —————— In all 2 8 10 Janery the 25 1726 then then Recd of John HUTTON the Sum of won Pound ten Shillin Shillings & five pencess being for 20 povrass for the pouer att Kirkoswold be for Sir Chr MUSGRAY Lands att Kirkoswd I Say Recd per me [signed] George DIXON

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