1727 04 25 : Rent receipt for Penrith demesne lands

25 Apr 1727. RENT RECEIPT FOR PENRITH DEMESNE LANDS. Bundle 11, Doc 7. 19.5 cm x 6 cm. Duke Portland Rent 3£ – 4s – 0p ————————— 25 april 1727 15 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cumbr~ Rec~d ye 12th day of Aprill 1727 of Sr Chr~ofer MUSGRAVE Barnt by ye hands of Mr GIBSON Three pounds eight shillings } eight pence for one half years Rent (for Demaine Lands } £ s d in Penrith due to the Noble Duke of Portland at } 03 08 08 Lady day last } Allowed per taxes 5s [signed] Jo BENSON Rec~d 4d per Acquitt Collr ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 03 09 00 5 00 —————— 03 04 00