1726 11 08 : Receipt for oats etc.

08 Nov 1726. RECEIPT FOR OATS ETC. Bundle 8, Doc 25. 19 cm x 15 cm. Some calculations on back not transcribed. Joseph JACKSON ——————- 14 – 5 – 0 ——————- 8 Novembr 1726 N. 25 26 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7 Novembr 1726 Recd of Mr Geo GIBSON fourteen pound five Shill for ots deliverd in Mr GOODAYs time and Charge of Sume Bease Taking in to South all for Sr Chr MUSGRAVE Brt use and in full of all acounts I Say Red per me [signed] Joseph JACKSON Test [signed] Chris: GIBSON [signed] Thos. CARLETON