1726 05 28 : Receipt for 4½ purveys for various local taxes

28 May 1726. RECEIPT FOR 4½ PURVEYS FOR VARIOUS LOCAL TAXES. Bundle 10, Doc 28. 13 cm x 11 cm. Edges crumpled and torn. Remains of small red seal. For Mr. Joseph HALL ~ att Penrith in ~ Cumberland ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ May. 28. 1726. Recd. of the Honrble. Sr. Chris MUSGRAVE by the hands of Will~. DONKIN foure shillings six pence for 4 purveys & ½ for Repairing Bridges. Country Keeping. & County Stock due Lady sence Easter Sessions last for demaine lands. per Test. his [signed] Joseph HALL Tho. T SEWELL 4s . 6d marke