1727 09 27 : Dr. William DONKIN's election expenses account

27 Sep 1727. DR. WILLIAM DONKIN’S ELECTION EXPENSES ACCOUNT. Bundle 13, Doc 9. 21 cm x 10 cm. Dor DONKIN about ye Elexon 2 – 0 – 0 —————- 27 Sepr 1727 15 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ July. 3. 1727. laid out upon the Election acct £ s d Spent at Ino. BURTONs. 0 . 5 . 0 Ditto at Dan IRELANDs 0 . 5 . 0 “ at Josh HALLs. 0 . 5 . 0 at Robt LAMBLEYs. 0 . 3 . 0 at Mr. WEBSTERs. 0 . 3 . 0 at Henry CLARKEs 0 . 1 . 2 at Henry BARTONs. 0 . 3 . 0 at Ino. GRAINGERs. 0 . 1 . 0 at Mrs WORKMANs. 0 . 13 : 10 —————— 2 : 0 0 —————— 7br. 27 1727 Recd. of Mr Geo. GIBSON the full Cintents per [signed] Will~ DONKIN