11 Jun 1747. BLEATARN COURT BARON, BLANK VERDICT FORM. Bundle 55, Doc 13. 42 cm x 16.5 cm, folded in half to make four pages, but only the first page is written on. Poor condition, dirty on outside, one edge crumpled and partially crumbled away, some large tears. This form was obviously prepared for the court but then for some reason never filled in. Manor } Verdict 11th June of } 1747. Bleatarn } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Manor } The Court Baron and Customary Court of Sir Philip of } MUSGRAVE Barronet Lord of the said Manor Holden at Bleatarn } Bleatarn in and for the said Manor on Thursday the 11th: Day of June 1747. Before Thomas SIMPSON Gentleman Steward of the said Courts. The Names of the Jurors to enquire for the Lord of the said Manor Which said Jurors being Charged and sworn present as follows