1734 11 09 : Pay receipt for work for New Close house
Saturday, February 26, 2011 at 5:18PM
Petra Mitchinson in Builders, HUTCHINSON, Hartley, MUSGRAVE Christopher 5th Bart., RUDD Thomas

Update on Saturday, February 26, 2011 at 5:19PM by Registered CommenterPetra Mitchinson

09 Nov 1734. PAY RECEIPT FOR WORK FOR NEW CLOSE HOUSE. Bundle 47, Doc 3. 15.5 cm x 10 cm. Was wrapped inside Doc 1 together with Docs 2 and 4-26. Lant. HUTCHENSON for getting turf & watling to new Close House –– 0 : 6 : 10 (13.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9th Novr. 1734 Then Recd: of Sr. Chrr. MUSGRAVE Barrt. from the hands of Thos. RUDD six shill~s. & ten pence for graveing Turfe & getting wattleing wattleing Thatching & service at New Close house £ 0 : 6 : 10 Recd. by me Lant. HUTCHINSON H

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