1734 10 08 : Receipt for two bullocks
Saturday, February 26, 2011 at 1:06PM
Petra Mitchinson in Farm animals, LEWTHWAITE William, MUSGRAVE Christopher 5th Bart., WATSON

Update on Saturday, February 26, 2011 at 1:07PM by Registered CommenterPetra Mitchinson

08 Oct 1734. RECEIPT FOR TWO BULLOCKS. Bundle 39, Doc 12. 19.5 cm x 11.5 cm. Doc 12 together with Docs 10-11 and 13 was wrapped inside Doc 9. October 8th. 1734 John WATSONs Receipt (4) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ October 8th. 1734 Rec~d from Sr. Chr: MUSGRAVE per Will~ LEWTHWAITE three pounds Nineteen shillings for two Bullocks per [signed] John WATSON

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