1734 10 01 : Butcher's account
Saturday, February 26, 2011 at 12:56PM
Petra Mitchinson in AIREY, Butchers, LEWTHWAITE William, MUSGRAVE Christopher 5th Bart.

Update on Saturday, February 26, 2011 at 12:57PM by Registered CommenterPetra Mitchinson

01 Oct 1734. BUTCHER’S ACCOUNT. Bundle 39, Doc 6. 20 cm x 15.5 cm. October 1t. 1734 John AREYs Receipt (1.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sr. Chr. MUSGRAVE Dr. To John AREY Augt. 6th. To 34lb Beef at 2d 00 – 05 – 02 13. To 38lb Beef at 2d 00 – 06 – 04 20th. To 30lb Beef at 2d 00 – 05 – 00 27th. To 38lb Beef at 2d 00 – 06 – 04 To 2 Gang Calfs feet 00 – 00 – 02 Sepr. 3d To 29lb Beef at 2d 00 – 04 – 10 To A Side Mutton 00 – 04 – 04 ———————- 01 – 12 – 2 October 1t. 1734. Rec~d from Sr. Chr: MUSGRAVE Bart. per Will~ LEWTHWAITE one pound twelve shillings & 2d in full for the Above Accts. per [signed] John ARAY

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