1734 09 13 : Housekeeper's expenses account
Saturday, February 26, 2011 at 2:19PM
Petra Mitchinson in Housekeeper, INGLISH, MUSGRAVE Christopher 5th Bart., SIMPSON Lancelot, Textiles

Update on Saturday, February 26, 2011 at 2:20PM by Registered CommenterPetra Mitchinson

13 Sep 1734. HOUSEKEEPER’S EXPENSES ACCOUNT. Bundle 41, Doc 22. 20 cm x 15.5 cm. Mrs INGLISH House Book for August 1734 Pd. £ 14 : 7 : 0 ½ Pd. Septr: ye 12 / 1734 (2) Exr. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ August ye 5 / 1734 0 : 12 : 9 ½ Do ye ….12 0 : 7 : 5 Do ye ….19 1 : 10 : 8 Do ye ….26 1 : 0 : 8 For a Brace of Buckes 1 : 0 : 6 Fo 164 yds of Cloath weaveing 5 : 0 : 11 For 61 hanks of yarn 1 : 18 : 01 For 28 yds: of Huswife Cloath } at 2s per yd } 2 : 16 : 0 ———————— 14 : 7 : 0 ½ Septr: ye 13 } Recd of Sr Christopher MUSGRAVE Barrt by ye Hands of Lan: SIMPSON 1734 } fourteen pounds seven shillings & one halfpeny being ye full Contents of this Bill by me [signed] Mary INGLISH

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