1734 08 30 : Groom's expenses account
Wednesday, February 23, 2011 at 5:59PM
Petra Mitchinson in Coachmen, FRANKLIN, MUSGRAVE Christopher 5th Bart., SIMPSON Lancelot

Update on Wednesday, February 23, 2011 at 6:00PM by Registered CommenterPetra Mitchinson

30 Aug 1734. GROOM’S EXPENSES ACCOUNT. Bundle 33, Doc 12. 15 cm x 9.5 cm. Joseph FRANKLIN’s Bill & Rect for 0 7 : 7 Pd August ye 30th / 1734 (16) Exr. Vouchers Augt. 1734 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ August ye 29 : 1734 For to brasdes 0 0 6 For 12 broumes 0 0 9 For frostnales att per [?] 0 0 6 For Grass 0 1 4 For bockle 0 1 0 For setting one Shoue 0 0 2 For a Spunge 0 0 6 For mending a polpes 0 1 4 For a man to wash ye Coach 0 0 6 For a paint of Oyl 0 0 6 For a shoue 0 0 6 ————- 0 7 7 ————- August ye } Recd of Sr Christopher MUSGRAVE Barrt by ye Hand of Lan: SIMPSON 30th / 1734 } ye full Contents of this Bill being in full of all accounts by me [signed] Joseph FRANKLIN

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