1734 08 09 : Receipt for country keeper's salary for Blackhall
Wednesday, February 23, 2011 at 5:25PM
Petra Mitchinson in Blackhall, LANGHORN, MUSGRAVE Christopher 5th Bart., SIMPSON Lancelot, Taxes & Tithes

Update on Wednesday, February 23, 2011 at 5:27PM by Registered CommenterPetra Mitchinson

09 Aug 1734. RECEIPT FOR COUNTRY KEEPER’S SALARY FOR BLACKHALL. Bundle 33, Doc 3. 18.5 cm x 8 cm. John LANGHORNs Rect: for Country Keepers sallary for Blackhall Demesin £ 0 : 2 : 3 Augt ye 9th 1734 (5) Exr ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ August ye 9th / 1734 Recd of Sr Christopher MUSGRAVE Barrt: by ye Hands of Lan: SIMPSON two shilling & threepence for Country Keepers sallery for Blackhall one purvey & ½ at one shilling & sixpence per purvey by me ————- 0 : 2 : 3 [signed] John LANGHORN ————-

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