1734 07 08 : Account for carriage of lime and coal
Friday, February 25, 2011 at 11:04PM
Petra Mitchinson in Carters, Coal, HARPER, LEWTHWAITE William, Lime, MUSGRAVE Christopher 5th Bart.

Update on Friday, February 25, 2011 at 11:05PM by Registered CommenterPetra Mitchinson

08 Jul 1734. ACCOUNT FOR CARRIAGE OF LIME AND COAL. Bundle 36, Doc 8. 15.5 cm x 10 cm. July 8th. 1734 Richd. HARPERs Receipt for Carriage of Lime & Coals (4) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Richd HARPER Bill for Lime deleverd as below June ye 6 –– 4 Lodes ye 7 –– 4 lodes 11 –– 4 lodes 12 –– 4 lodes 13 –– 4 lodes 17 –– 4 lodes 18 –– 4 lodes 20 –– 4 lodes 21 –– 4 lodes 22 –– 3 lodes 25 –– 4 lodes 26 –– 3 lodes 29 –– 3 lodes —————————- June ye 28 – 3 lodes of Coles Totall 49 – at 6d – 1 – 4 – 6 June ye 28 – 3 lodes of Coles – 0 – 1 – 6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ June 8th. 1734 Rec~d from Sr. Chr. MUSGRAVE per Will~. LEWTHWAITE one pound four shillings & Sixpence for Carriage of Forty nine Load of Lime & one shilling Sixpence for Carriage of three Load Coal [signed] Richard HARPER

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