04 Feb 1733/4. RECEIPT FOR BILL OF £35 PAID TO WILLIAM RAINCOCK. Bundle 25, Doc 32. 18 cm x 15 cm. Mr HOWARDs Bill Drawn upon Sr Christr: Pd to Mr RAINCOCK 35 – : – Febr: ye 4 / 1733 – (2) Exr. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Janr. ye. 16. 1733/4 Sr I desire yu. will please to pay (att yr. first conveniency) to Mr. Wm. RAINCOCK or his Order the Sum of thirty five pounds, and place it to the account of Sr. To yr. most Humble Sr. Christr. MUSGRAVE } Servt: [signed] Thos: HOWARD Bartt. at Eden Hall } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Reced ye 4th February 1733 Sr. Christopher MUSGRAVE by the hands of Mr Lanclott SIMPSON Thirty five pounds in full of the within Bill per [signed] W. RAINCOCK