1727 10 10 : Pay receipt for taking care of Bramery etc.
Sunday, January 2, 2011 at 1:20PM
Petra Mitchinson in Builders, Edenhall, Farm animals, GIBSON George, MUSGRAVE Christopher 5th Bart., STEPHENSON

Update on Sunday, January 2, 2011 at 1:22PM by Registered CommenterPetra Mitchinson

10 Oct 1727. PAY RECEIPT FOR TAKING CARE OF BRAMERY ETC. Bundle 13, Doc 16. 19 cm x 11.5 cm. Will STEPHENSON Looking at Bramray &c 2 – 0 – 0 ————— 10 octor 1727 23 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10 Octobr 1727 Red of Geo GIBSON one pound fivetene Shill for Looking and taking Care of Pramray and Dolphenby one Shill Layd out for Booking a Bulack and four Shill for making Hurdels for walers in all Two pound all for Sr Chr MUSGRAVE Brt use I Say Red in full by me mark Will STEPHENSON ~

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