1727 07 22 : Pay receipt for walling and flagging
Sunday, January 2, 2011 at 6:25PM
Petra Mitchinson in Builders, GIBSON George, MUSGRAVE Christopher 5th Bart., RICHARDSON

Update on Sunday, January 2, 2011 at 6:26PM by Registered CommenterPetra Mitchinson

22 Jul 1727. PAY RECEIPT FOR WALLING AND FLAGGING. Bundle 15, Doc 5. 21 cm x 13.5 cm. One edge dirty and partly crumbled away. Various scribbled calculations on the back not transcribed. Paul RICHARDSON waling &c 3£ – 15 – 5 ——————— 22 July 1727 N. 5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 22 July 1727. Red of Geo GIBSON Three pound Six Shill and nine pence hallf peney for 229 yards of waling in the Lour Court next Street and eight Shill and eight pence for 26 yards of Flaging in the new Seler or Lader in all 3£ – 15s – 5p½ all for Sr Chr MUSGRAVE Brt use I Say Red by me 3£ – 15s – 5p½ [signed] Paul RICHARDSON

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