1727 02 27 : Bill and receipts for wine
Saturday, January 1, 2011 at 3:54PM
Petra Mitchinson in BEECH, Drinks, GIBSON George, MUSGRAVE Christopher 5th Bart., PATTINSON

Update on Saturday, January 1, 2011 at 3:55PM by Registered CommenterPetra Mitchinson

27 Feb 1726/7. BILL AND RECEIPTS FOR WINE. Bundle 8, Docs 14-15. Documents wrapped into each other. Doc 14. 20 cm x 16 cm. Mr PATINSON wine Bill 13 Decr pd in pt 30£ – 0 – 0 ——————— Rests 32 – 8 ——————— ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sr Chris: MUSGRAVE Barnt Dr to Ino PATTINSON June 16 £ s d 1726 To three duz: of Clarett 3 : 12 : 0 July 6 To three duz: Dto 3 : 12 : 0 18 To three duz: more 3 : 12 : 0 28 To Six duz: Clarett & white 7 : 4 : 0 August 3d To ten duz: of Clarett 12 : 0 : 0 Septr 24 To nine duz: Dto 10 : 16 : 0 Octbr 25 To Seven duz: Dto 9 : 0 : 0 27 To Seven duz: Dto 9 : 0 : 0 Decmbr 11 To three duz: white 3 : 12 : 0 ——————- 62 : 8 : 0 30 ––––– ——————- 32 – 8 –– 13 Decr pd per George GIBSON as appears per a Receipt & his accompts in pt of ys Bill Thirty pounds [signed] BEECK [?] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27 Febery 1726/7 Recd the full Contents of this within Bill for Sr Chr MUSGRAVE Brt use per the hands of Geo GIBSON I Say Red By me [signed] Ino PATTINSON N. B. 30£ was pd 13 Decr 1726 & other 32 – 8 and more for 10 doz Wine 12 –– delivd 20 Decr pd ————- for 44 – 8 in Feb. 1726/7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Doc 15. 20 cm x 16 cm. Mr PATINSON Bill for wine Payd 30£ - 0 – 0 13 Decer 1726 N. 13 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 13 Decembr 1726 Recd in part for this Bill for wine for Sr Chr MUSGRAVE Brt use Therty Pound from the hands of Geo GIBSON as witness my hand [signed] Ino PATTINSON

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