1727 01 24 : Receipt for malt and wheat
Sunday, January 2, 2011 at 5:43PM
Petra Mitchinson in BROWN, Edenhall, GIBSON George, Grain, MUSGRAVE Christopher 5th Bart.

Update on Sunday, January 2, 2011 at 5:45PM by Registered CommenterPetra Mitchinson

24 Jan 1726/7. RECEIPT FOR MALT AND WHEAT. Bundle 14, Doc 20. 18.5 cm x 15.5 cm. Mr BROWN molt 18 – 14 and wheat 7 – 4 ————- Both 25 : 18 —————————— 24 Janury 1726 N. 4 & 5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jan~y the 24th 1726-7 Sr Christopher MUSGRAVE’s Bill for Malt and Wheat Octbr the 30 Bushels of Malt at } £ s 8 Shillings and four Pence perB } 12 – 10 Octbr. 15 ½ at Eight Shillings perB 6 – 4 Oct. 16 Bushels of Wheat Dld } at Eadnell at 9 Shillings } 7 – 4 per Bushel ————— 25 18 Receved Jan~y the 24th 1726-7 } of Mr George GIBSON the full } £ s Contents of this Bill for the } 25 – 18 Use of Sr Christopher MUSGRAVE I say Receved per Me [signed] John BROWN twenty five Pounds Eighteen Shillings

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