1726 11 15 : Account for work at Edenhall Mill
Saturday, January 1, 2011 at 2:26PM
Petra Mitchinson in Edenhall, GIBSON George, MUSGRAVE Christopher 5th Bart., Millwrights, ROBINSON

Update on Saturday, January 1, 2011 at 2:28PM by Registered CommenterPetra Mitchinson

15 Nov 1726. ACCOUNT FOR WORK AT EDENHALL MILL. Bundle 7, Doc 21. 18 cm x 16 cm. Antoney ROBINSON Bill for mill work 0 – 5 – 4 15 novemr 1726 N 6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ November 14th – 1726 A bill of Charges for work don at Ednol Mell belongeng to the Right worshapfol Sir Cristophar MOSGRAF by me Anthony ROBINSON as foloeth november the 29 – 1725 then seteng: on botong } s d halves 1 day at the rat: of 1s – 4d pr day } 1 – 4 febuarey the 28 – 1 day mendeng the flod gates and other work abot the: mill 1 – 4 Apral the 2 – 1726 then makeng } anew grond trough to Cep: the water } 1 – 4 clos: to the whell and seteng it in 1 day } november the 14 the torneng the } trondles and other work about } 1 – 4 the sad mill 1 day } ———- in all 5 4 15 Novembr 1726 Red the full Contents of Geo GIBSON for the above Sede use per me [signed] Anthony ROBINSON

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