23 Jun 1808. PAY RECEIPT FOR PLANTING HEDGE AT POTGILL. Bundle 64, Doc 38. 18.5 cm x 10 cm. Docs 38-45 were wrapped inside Doc 37 and are some of the individual payments listed in the petty bills account in Doc 37. C R Anty. JACKSON Plantatn. Hedge 0 . 10 . 6 June 23d. 1808 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Anthoney JACKSON Recept. for Sir Philip ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1808 May the 2d. The guardins of Sir Philip MUSGRAVE Bart to Antoney JACKSON Dr To stecking all the fence belonging the new plantation at the law end of Potgill 0£ – 10s – 6d Recd of Mr BRISCO by the paymint of Thos HAMILTON the above by me [signed] Anthony JACKSON