1851 09 02 : 02 : Penrith farmers' club subscription receipt
Friday, February 24, 2012 at 3:39PM
Petra Mitchinson in DIXON, Farming, MUSGRAVE, MUSGRAVE George 10th Bart., Penrith, SMITH

Update on Friday, February 24, 2012 at 3:40PM by Registered CommenterPetra Mitchinson

02 Sep 1851 (2). PENRITH FARMERS’ CLUB SUBSCRIPTION RECEIPT. A fresh, very neat and clean receipt. 4” x 7”. C 258. R 193. Geo: SMITH Farmers Club. £ – “ 10 “ 0 ——————————— September 2. 1851 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ August 2nd. 1851. Received of Sir Geo MUSGRAVE by payment of Mr. Geo DIXON Ten Shillings as his and Phillip MUSGRAVE Esqr. Annual Subscription to the Penrith Farmers Club 10/– [signed] George SMITH Hon Sec & Treas

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