1851 08 25 : Toll gate keeper's account
Friday, February 24, 2012 at 3:17PM
Petra Mitchinson in EARL, MUSGRAVE George 10th Bart., Tolls

Update on Friday, February 24, 2012 at 3:18PM by Registered CommenterPetra Mitchinson

25 Aug 1851. TOLL GATE KEEPER’S ACCOUNT. A fresh, very neat and clean account. 4” x 7”. John EARL was the Toll Collector at Edenhall Toll Bar in the 1851 census. C 256 R 183. John EARL Toll Gate £ 2 , 5 “ 0 —————————— August 25. 1851. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sir George MUSGRAVE Bart to John EARL for Toll 1851 s d July 30th – 8 Carts 4s & 1 Horse 2d 4 “ 2 Aug 1 – 6 Horses 1s ) 6th – 4 Horses 8d 1 “ 8 7 – 1 Horse 2d ) 8th – 6 Horses 1s & 8 Carts 4s 5 “ 2 11 – 4 Horses 8d & 1 Cart 6d ) 12th – 3 Horses 6d & 6 Carts 3s 4 “ 8 13 – 8 Carts 4s & 3 Horses 6d ) 14th – 1 Horses 2d & 1 Carriage 2s 6 “ 8 15 – 1 Gig 1s & 8 Carts 4s ) 16th – 1 Horse 2d 5 “ 2 18 – 8 Carts 4s ) 19th – 3 Horses 6d ) 20th – 1 Horse 2d 4 “ 8 21 – 1 Horse 2d ) 22nd – 8 Carts 4s & 1 Carriage 2s 6 “ 2 23 – 7 Carts 3s “ 6d ) 25th – 6 Carts 3s & 1 Horse 2d 6 “ 8 ———— £ 2 “ 5 “ 0 ——————— 1851 Augt. 25th – Settled the above [signed] John EARL

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