1833 05 27 : 01 : Gamekeeper's expenses account
Sunday, February 12, 2012 at 5:12PM
Petra Mitchinson in BLAND, DIXON Lancelot Story, Disbursements, Dogs, EDGAR, Fish, Hunting and game keeping, LITTLE, MUSGRAVE Christopher John 9th Bart., Penrith, RUDD

Update on Sunday, February 12, 2012 at 5:13PM by Registered CommenterPetra Mitchinson

27 May 1833 (1). GAMEKEEPER’S EXPENSES ACCOUNT. A neat and clean account. 10” x 8”. The Revd. Sir C: J: MUSGRAVE Bart: To David EDGER Dr. 1832 £ s d Aug. To Cash paid to Sundry persons, Evidences, for } loss of time & their expences at Penrith in } 1 “ 0 “ 0 presenting LITTLE RUDD & BLAND for fishing } “ To Expences of Self & Son at Penrith appearing } in defence of an information laid by the } “ “ 5 “ 0 above persons for fishing } To Keep of Dog in the year 1830 – 28 weeks To ditto ditto paid Jan. 15. 1831 } to Jan. 15. 1832 } – 52 – —————————- Weeks 80 @ £3. per year 4 “ 12 “ 3 ———————- £ 5 “ 17 “ 3 =========== 1833 May 27th. Received the above by payment of Mr: DIXON by me ~ [signed] David EDGER

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