1830 08 17 : Account & receipt for brandy
Sunday, February 12, 2012 at 4:35PM
Petra Mitchinson in CARMALT, Drinks, MUSGRAVE Christopher John 9th Bart., Penrith

Update on Sunday, February 12, 2012 at 4:36PM by Registered CommenterPetra Mitchinson

17 Aug 1830. ACCOUNT & RECEIPT FOR BRANDY. A fresh, very neat and clean account and receipt. C 214. R 95. Saml: CARMALT Rum £ 11 ~ 0 ~ 6 ——————————— August 17. 1830. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Edenhall Sir C. MUSGRAVE . Bart. Bot. of S. CARMALT 1829 £ s d May 20th To 1 Gallon Best Brandy 1 ~ 12 ~ = July 9 “ 2 do do 3 ~ 4 ~ = Augt 24th “ 1 do do 1 ~ 12 ~ = “ “ a 4 Gallon Empty Cask – 4 ~ 6 27th “ 1 Gallon Brandy 1 ~ 12 ~ = Sepr 15 “ 2 do do 3 ~ 4 ~ = —————————— £ 11 ~ 8 ~ 6 Deduct for Cask &c. ~ ~ 8 £ 11 ~ 0 ~ 6 ========= ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Penrith Augt. 17th 1830 Received of The Revd Sir C. MUSGRAVE Bart. the sum of Eleven Pounds & six pence as per Bill annexed. [signed] Saml CARMALT

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