1827 01 08 : Account for horse nails
Saturday, February 11, 2012 at 8:33PM
Petra Mitchinson in Hardware, JACKSON, MUSGRAVE Philip Christopher 8th Bart., Penrith

Update on Saturday, February 11, 2012 at 8:34PM by Registered CommenterPetra Mitchinson

08 Jan 1827. ACCOUNT FOR HORSE NAILS. A neat and clean account. 4” x 5”. Penrith Jany 8th 1827 Sir Philip MUSGROVE M. P. Bought of John JACKSON 1826 £ S D Septr 8 To 500 of 12 lb 9/6 per Thousand Horse Nails 0 ~ 4 ~ 9 To 500 of 8 7/6 pr. 1000 Do Do 0 ~ 3 ~ 9 To 250 of 7 7s/- pr. 1000 Do Do 0 ~ 1 ~ 9 Octr 1 To 2000 of 11 9/- pr. 1000 Do Do 0 ~ 18 ~ 0 Decr 22 To 500 of 7 7s/- pr. 1000 Do Do 0 ~ 3 ~ 6 To 500 of 6 6/6 pr. 1000 Do Do 0 ~ 3 ~ 3 ——————- £ 1 ~ 15 ~ 0 1827. ======== Janery 8th Settled [signed] John JACKSON 14

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