1823 01 14 : 02 : Detailed surgeon's account & receipt
Wednesday, January 25, 2012 at 2:02PM
Petra Mitchinson in CROSBY, DIXON Lancelot Story, LAW, MURRAY, MUSGRAVE Philip Christopher 8th Bart., Medics, SANDERSON

Update on Wednesday, January 25, 2012 at 2:03PM by Registered CommenterPetra Mitchinson

14 Jan 1823 (2). DETAILED SURGEON’S ACCOUNT & RECEIPT. A neat detailed account and receipt. C R 26 Thos. LAW Surgeon £ 9 “ 0 “ 6 ————————- Jany 14. 1823 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sir Philip MUSGRAVE Bart. To Tho LAW Surgeon &c Dr. 1822 May 21 To bleeding – Michl. CROSBY 1 “ 0 “ A Cathartic do. 0 “ 6 24 A Mixture do. 2 “ 6 26 A Cathartic – J MURRAY 0 “ 6 June 10 A Journey & setting Fracture of thihy } 16 “ 6 “ A Camphorated Lotion W. SANDERSON } 2 “ 6 11 A Journey &c do. 6 “ 0 “ A febrifuge Mixture & Cathartic do. 3 “ 0 “ Camphorated lotion Quart do 3 “ 0 12 A Journey &c do. 6 “ 0 “ Camphd Lotion do. 3 “ 0 13 The same A Journey &c 9 “ 0 “ Febrifuge Mixture & Cathartic do. 3 “ 0 14 A Journey &c Camphord. Lotion 9 “ 0 16 A Journey &c Camphd. Lotion 9 “ 0 “ Febrifuge Mixture & Cathartic 3 “ 0 17 Lotion Repd. do. 3 “ 0 18 A Journey &c Lotion Repd 9 “ 0 20 A Journey &c 6 “ 0 21 Lotion Repd. 3 “ 0 22 Journey &c 6 “ 0 26 Jorney &c 6 “ 0 July 1 The same 6 “ 0 2 Camphd. Lotion 2 Quarts 4 “ 6 ——————— Carrd Over £ 6 “ 1 “ 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Brought over £ 6 “ 1 “ 0 July 5 A Journey &c W. SANDERSON 6 “ 0 10 The same do. 6 “ 0 16 Camphd. Lotion do. 4 “ 0 17 A Journey &c do. 6 “ 0 22 The same 6 “ 0 29 The same 6 “ 0 Aug. 9 The same 6 “ 0 23 The same 6 “ 0 “ Two Doses Epsom Salts do. 0 “ 6 31 A Journey & large Plaster do. 8 “ 0 Oct. 8 The Plaster Repd. do. 2 “ 0 ————————— £ 8 “ 17 “ 6 ————————— Pd. in addition “ 3 “ 0 ————————— To be paid –– 9 “ 0 “ 6 [signed] PM. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ £ 9 “ 0 “ 6 Penrith Janry. 14 1823 Recd. of Mr. DIXON on Acct. of Sir Philip MUSGRAVE Bart the Sum of nine Pounds & sixpence being the Amount of my Bill for 1822. [signed] Tho LAW

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