1823 01 04 : Alston brewery yeast account
Wednesday, January 25, 2012 at 2:00PM
Petra Mitchinson in Alston, BLACKETT, COLLINSON, DIXON Lancelot Story, Drinks, MUSGRAVE Philip Christopher 8th Bart.

Update on Wednesday, January 25, 2012 at 2:00PM by Registered CommenterPetra Mitchinson

04 Jan 1823. ALSTON BREWERY YEAST ACCOUNT. A fresh account. 9” x 7”. Small tear in the middle, plus a couple at the edges. No. 6. BLACKETT & Co Alston Brewery Yeast 17s/9d —————————————- Jany 4th 1823 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sir Philip MUSGROVE 1822 Draw To Chirst. BLACKETT & Co for yest £ S D Augst. 3 “ “ 7½ “ 10 “ “ 7½ “ 17 “ “ 7½ “ 24 “ “ 7½ “ 31 “ “ 7½ Septr. 7 “ “ 7½ “ 14 “ 1 “ “ 21 “ 1 “ “ 28 “ 1 “ Octr. 5 “ 1 “ “ 14 “ 1 “ “ 26 “ 2 “ Novr. 2 “ 1 “ “ 9 “ 1 “ “ 16 “ 1 “ “ 23 “ 1 “ Decr. 2 “ 1 “ “ 7 “ 1 “ “ 14 “ 1 “ “ 23 “ 1 “ ——————— £ ” 18 9 Memm. deduct, for use of Servt. – 1 – ——————— January 4th. 1823, Recd. by payment – 17 9 of L S DIXON 17s/9d for the above ——————— by me [signed] Jos COLLINSON for BLACKET & Co.

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