1818 08 04 : Coals from Haresceugh Fell for the brick kilns
Saturday, January 21, 2012 at 3:17PM
Petra Mitchinson in Building materials, Carters, Coal, Kirkoswald, LOWES, MUSGRAVE Philip Christopher 8th Bart., WALTON

Update on Saturday, January 21, 2012 at 3:18PM by Registered CommenterPetra Mitchinson

04 Aug 1818. COALS FROM HARESCEUGH FELL FOR THE BRICK KILNS. A neat and clean receipt. 3” x 7”. The signature is all but illegible, but the signatory is named on a bill for brick making as Thomas LEWIS (signed LOWIS). Sir Philip MUSGRAVE To Michl. WALTON & Co Dr for Coals from Haskafell For the Brick Kilns £ S D 1818 Augst. 3d By a Bill delivered To 292 Loads at 11d pr Ld 13 – 7 – 8 To Carriage of 228 to Haslerig at 5d – Do 4 – 15 – 0 To Do 64 To Brick Kilns at 1s/- Do 3 – 4 – 0 ——————- ——————— 292 Loads £ 21 ~ 6 ~ 8 Augst 4th. Settled & Allowed by me [signed] Thmus LOWIS [?]

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