1802 03 26 : Account for glazier's work at Blackwell Hall
Thursday, January 19, 2012 at 11:25AM
Petra Mitchinson in BRISCO Joseph, BROWN, Blackhall, Glazier, MUSGRAVE John Chardin 7th Bart.

Update on Thursday, January 19, 2012 at 11:26AM by Registered CommenterPetra Mitchinson

26 Mar 1802. ACCOUNT FOR GLAZIER’S WORK AT BLACKWELL HALL. A fresh, very neat and clean account and receipt. The receipt has an impressed duty stamp. 1800 Dec 11 Work done for Sir John C. MUSGROVE at Blackwell Hall by J BROWN To 3 Lights of C New Glass 0 “ 9 “ 0 To 4 Lights New Leaded 0 “ 6 “ 0 To a Sash Squar 0 “ 1 “ 2 To Repairing Other windows 29 To a Light in the Stable 0 “ 3 “ 0 Dec 16 To 32½ feet of Crown Glass 1801 at 1s : 2d pr foot 1 “ 17 “ 7 ———————- £ 2 “ 16 “ 9 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ March 26th. 1802 Recd. of Sir John C. MUSGRAVE Bart. by payment of Joseph BRISCO two pounds sixteen shillings & nine pence for glazening windows at Blackhall as per bill annexed witness my hand [signed] John BROWN

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