1735 09 22 : Detailed glazier's account
Tuesday, January 17, 2012 at 9:40PM
Petra Mitchinson in DOBSON Christopher, Edenhall, Glazier, HEWITSON, MUSGRAVE Christopher 5th Bart.

Update on Tuesday, January 17, 2012 at 9:41PM by Registered CommenterPetra Mitchinson

22 Sep 1735. DETAILED GLAZIER’S ACCOUNT. A neat and clean account. 4” x 6”. Antho. HEWETSONs Bill for Glazing till ye 22d Sept. 1735 0 : 13 : 6 (10.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Aprill ye 4 : 1735 glasworke done att Edenall Hall for Sr Christopher MUSGRAVE l – s – d for mending the garden glases 0 – 2 – 2 23 day more 5 garden glases newleaded 0 – 10 – 0 August ye 4 more 6 squars of glas put in 0 – 1 – 0 more ceasment soderd in ye frame 0 – 0 – 4 —————— 0 – 13 – 6 Sept. 22d. 1735 Recd. of Sr. Chr: MUSGRAVE per Chr: DOBSON thirteen Shillings & Six pence in full of all Accounts to this day per me [signed] Antho: HEWETSON

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