1735 03 26 : Disbursements for Goldington Hall, Appleby
Monday, January 16, 2012 at 10:03PM
Petra Mitchinson in ATKINSON, Appleby, BOWNESS, Disbursements, LOUGH, MONKHOUSE, MOORE, Not fully indexed, PARKIN, ROBERTSON, SAVAGE, SOWLEY, TEASDALE, Taxes and tithes, WILKINSON

Update on Monday, January 16, 2012 at 10:04PM by Registered CommenterPetra Mitchinson

26 Mar 1735. DISBURSEMENTS FOR GOLDINGTON HALL, APPLEBY. A fresh, very neat and clean account. 9” x 5”. Disbursmts: for Gouldington Hall in Appleby pd by Mr. Henry SOWLEY & John MOORE from Martinmas 1733 to Martins: 1734 —————————————————————————————————————- xbr. ye 27 : 1733 pd: per Mr SOWLEY to Willm: } £ s d SAVAGE Bellingham Rent as per aqtns: } 00 : 04 : 00 Do. xbr. ye: 27 1733 Do. a Land Tax as per aqts 00 : 00 : 06 Do. the House Grate 4s : 6d and Staple 1d.½ in all 00 : 04 : 07½ two Beedsteeds wth: Coards and Matts as per bil 00 : 13 : 10 May ye: 26 1734 to John ATKINSON Church assess 00 : 01 : 06 Do. ye 26 1734 to Geo: LOUGH poor Assess 00 : 00 : 09 Do. ye 26 Do to James PARKIN window assess 00 : 01 : 00 7ber ye: 26 1734 pd to James PARKIN Poor assess 00 : 00 : 09 Do. ye 30 1734 pd to Thos. TEASDALE wind: assess 00 : 01 : 00 Octobr. ye 26 1734 pd to Heugh WILKINSON Land } ——————————- Tax as per aqtt —————————— } 00 : 01 : 00 7br. 13: 1734 pd to Lan MUNKHOUSE window ass: } Due to be payd by Mr. SOWLEY ——————— } 00 : 01 : 00 pd. to Thos. ROBERTSON as yeat in dispute augt: ye: 13 1734 To John BOWNAS a Lock mending 00 : 00 : 04 Do: the Barn Rent for Laying of Coals in 00 : 05 : 00 ———————— 1 = 15 3½ 26 Mar: 1735 Recd. of Sr. Chr: MUSGRAVE Bart. per Chr: DOBSON the Sum~e of one pound fifteen Shills. & three pence in full of this Bill per me [signed] John MOORE

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