1687 12 : Soulby manorial admissions list with rents and fines
Sunday, January 15, 2012 at 7:36PM
Petra Mitchinson in BARNES, BIRD, BOUSFIELD, Court Baron, GRANGER, GRAY, HARRISON, HUTTON, LAMB, PETTY, Rents and fines, SCAIFE, Soulby, Thanet (Earl of), WILSON

Update on Sunday, January 15, 2012 at 7:37PM by Registered CommenterPetra Mitchinson

Dec 1687. SOULBY MANORIAL ADMISSIONS LIST WITH RENTS AND FINES. A fresh, very neat and clean horizontal manorial document. 12” x 16”. A bit weak at the edges and some of the folds, otherwise in excellent condition. The document was too wide to fit onto a transcribed page, so it has been split into two parts, with numbers, e.g. [*1] to indicate which sections in each part belong together. Fines agreed for by Mr BIRD at Soulby Decem~ 1687. | | | 0 | | N. 23 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fines Tenents names & lands Rents £ s d – 5 – 00 – 00 { Humfrey WILSON for a messuage a Barne, five } £ s d { gardens, five garths, a Close called Croft, a } s d – 5 – 00 – 00 { Close called Rowend halfe a rood, halfe a rood in } 00 – 04 – 07. { a place called mainwath green, & 3 pasture gates } [*1] { in a place called Cow Close secureity } given { Matthew BOUSFEILD, A Close called withberhead } { .1. acre, A Close called withberlands Close, 10. roods } – 3 – 10 – 00 { .1. acre lyeing dispersedly in wythberlands, & halfe } 00 – 03 – 05 { an acre of land lying contiguosly to a Close called – } [*2] { Wythberhead Lady day secureity given } – 1 – 00 – 00 { James BOUSFEILD, six roods of meadow called } 00 – 00 – 011 { Musgrave Briggs 11d rent Lady day } [*3] secureity given { John WILSON, A Close called Close yeat, three } – 1 – 02 – 00 { roods, one acre lyeing in a place called whasbar } 00 – 01 – 01 { one rood lyeing in a place called Musgrave Briggs, } [*4] { halfe a rood lyeing in a place called linebar busbs [?] } secureity given 00 – 02 – 06 { Rowland PETTYT, one rood lyeing in a place called } 00 – 00 – 01 =ob. { Linebar pd. } [*5] 00 – 14 – 00 pd { William HARRISON, one acre lyeing in a place } 00 – 00 – 08. { called Linebar } [*6] 00 – 02 – 06 { Richard GRANGER, one rood lyeing in a place } 00 – 00 – 01.ob~ { called Long Selmer pd. } [*7] 00 – 06 – 00 { John BARNES, one rood & halfe of land lyeing } 00 – 00 – 03.ob~ { in a place called Borwains pd. } [*8] 00 – 15 – 00 [?] { Aolice [?] GRAY [?] ***** lyeing in a place called } 00 – 00 – 09 – { Haykerhead Lady day secureity given } [*9] { James LAMB A Close vocat Edensteads three acres } 02 – 10 – 00 { apeice called head rigg.3. roods in a place called } 00 – 02 – 06 – { backside of Browlands [?] halfe an acre in a place } [*10] { called Holesmire secureity given } 01 – 00 – 00 { Thomas HUTTON one acre of land lyeing in a place } 00 – 00 – 11 – { called Hall Croftends } [*11] { Rests in the hands of Willm SCAIFE & Margaret } 00 – 01 – 08 – { his wife } [*12] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lords services Earle of Thanetts Rents. £ s d [*1] To a plough 00 – 00 – 03 j. peck & halfe of serjeants oates. & a.1.d Neatgeld [*2] To a plough 00 – 00 – 03 – j. peck of Serjeant Oates. & a.1.d Neatgeld [*3] To a plough 00 – 00 – 02 – halfe a peck of Serjeant Oates. [*4] To a day mowing 00 – 00 – 01 [*5] To a load of Coales 00 – 00 – 00 = ob~. [*6] To a load of Coales 00 – 00 – 01 = ob~ – halfe a peck of Serjeants Oates. [*7] To a load of Coales 00 – 00 – 00 = ob~ – [*8] To day shearing 00 – 00 – 01 – halfe a hoope of Serjeant Oates. [*9] halfe a peck of Serjeants Oates. [*10] To a plough 00 – 00 – 03 – one peck of Serjeant Oates & a ob~. Neatgeld. [*11] To a day Shearing 00 – 00 – 02 – halfe peck of Serjeant Oates. & a .ob~. Neatgeld [*12] 00 – 00 – 02d Neatgeld

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